The Secret Council

Thrill to the first adventure of Tommy and Tuppence, Agatha Christie’s most dashing and romantic sleuths. In the wake of the Great War, England finds itself under attack from a Secret Council of its enemies, who are plotting to undermine and subvert one of the bastions of freedom. Can Tommy and Tuppence thread the maze of mysteries and murders to save Great Britain from the Bolsheviks? As they follow the trail of clues that lead all the way back to the sinking of the Lusitania, Tommy and Tuppence are drawn inexorably into a web of both love and deception, where they can trust no one but themselves.

The Secret Council

The Secret Council

“The actors’ versatility is astounding as they seamlessly take on multiple roles throughout the production and tongue-in-cheek poke fun at their many transformations. They strive to create unique theatrical experiences for their audiences.”
-Splash Magazine

The Secret Council

“Rice has expertly converted The Secret Council into a stylish, entertaining, drolly humorous suspense romp given a superior presentation by a cast of six versatile performers embedded in a clever and fast-paced staging.”

– Stage & Cinema

The Secret Council

The Secret Council

“[Do you want] a play full of new-age romantic tension, well-thought plot, dynamic characters, and witty comments on subjects that are somehow relevant to both post-WW1 Britain and our modern society? Come see The Secret Council!”
-UrbanMatter Review

The Secret Council

“The Secret Council incorporates some witty badinage and comedic bits at which First Folio artistic associates Melanie Keller and Joe Foust are especially adept. ★ ★ ★”
-The Daily Herald